As Project Survey Manager I have a very wide range of tasks. Together with the Project Manager, I am the first to arrive at the project site to prepare the project. During the project, I am responsible for the surveys, the dredging design, calibrations, etc. This way, we create a picture of the underwater situation. However, the error margin is small, because one mistake can have a serious impact on all planned activities. Therefore, precision and accuracy are essential! It can also be very useful to have a strong dose of creativity, because sometimes technology fails. As Project Survey Manager I also have to follow up quality requirements and update the administration.
Personally, I get a lot of satisfaction from training trainees, new colleagues or local surveyors. If I notice that after a while they are able to carry out surveys independently, and enjoy their job, then my mission is accomplished! Some time ago, I even trained a Congolese team to become surveyors, in French even!