Structural Design Engineer

Temporary constructions or completely new machines? We always make the most of it!

With our team of Structural Design Engineers, we are responsible for the structural calculations of mostly steel constructions used in the different disciplines of Jan De Nul. This can range from sea fastening of wind turbine components over dredging equipment to temporary lifting constructions, but we regularly design completely new machines as well. We must ensure that these constructions won’t fail under situations defined beforehand. So, we carry quite a big responsibility!

We work with very complex matter, so having a problem-solving mind is a quality you can surely use in our team. We often have to come up with innovative ideas to bring challenging designs to a good end, within the limits we are confronted with. By determining a good and robust concept beforehand, we can shift quickly if the input still is changed.

Once you have built up some experience, you get the chance at Jan De Nul to take on more responsibilities within a project. For example, you are responsible for all communications on a project or the planning of that project. Or you lead the team tasked with bringing the project to completion. For example, I was a Design Lead for our offshore project Saint-Nazaire, where we installed 80 wind turbines. Our team was responsible for the constructions of the sea fastening of all turbine components and for the necessary tools and containers. Despite several changes in the project design, we always managed to meet our deadlines and we look back with pride on a successful project!