Storm surge barrier Nieuwpoort

By 2100, the sea level will have risen by no less than half a metre. Time to arm our coast against the force of the water. But how do you protect a coastal town against storm surges that occur once every 10 years? The storm surge barrier in Nieuwpoort can withstand a rise of up to 8 metres. This means it can resist storms that occur once every 1,000 years.

In the event of a storm, the barrier is activated and stops the water. The 1,300-tonnes steel barrier rotates between two cast iron shafts anchored in a concrete abutment. The most challenging part of the project is the installation of a concrete threshold. This colossus of 4,500 tonnes will be built on an immersion pontoon in Ostend and transported by sea to Nieuwpoort. Approximately 3 hours before high tide, the project team can start entering the threshold to its exact location, otherwise the water level will be too low. In total, there is a timeframe of only 6 hours to position the threshold correctly. A real feat!


Storm surge barrier Nieuwpoort