The Oosterweel link in Antwerp: a lot has been written about it. One of the men who knows a lot about it is without any doubt Koenraad Van Regenmortel (50). He has a master’s degree in civil engineering and today he uses that knowledge as project manager of the Oosterweel link at Jan De Nul.
What exactly does your job involve?
At the moment, I can mostly be found behind my desk. With the tendering team, we are working out a proposal for the client of the project, Lantis, based on the file we received from them. At this stage of the project, my job is very much an administrative one.
Why is a huge project like the Oosterweel link so interesting to work on?
I like the variety that such large projects bring. I always find it very fascinating to work in different locations and with different people.
Why would you advise other engineers to apply for this project?
If you don’t think a project like the Oosterweel link is interesting as an engineer, you have chosen the wrong education. It is one of the largest civil engineering works ever undertaken in Flanders, and moreover within an urban environment. So there are a lot of aspects involved: traffic, nuisance, politics, local residents... That combination is very challenging and never boring.
Which qualities should potential candidates certainly have?
A project like this is very challenging and therefore not always easy. You certainly need to be able to work in a team and be open to discussion. On the other hand, it is important to be able to make decisions from time to time. You also need the ability to cope with stress, because everything depends on good planning and this includes deadlines.
Why do you like working for Jan De Nul?
I like the hands-on mentality at Jan De Nul. And the variety the company offers me time and again in large civil engineering projects. Not many players in the sector can handle such projects as Oosterweel, but Jan De Nul can.